They are usually sent by e mail. Often such a user clicks on the given URL without checking the sender's credentials. For example they can take advantage of the "halo effect " by designing an email message to appear to come from an established and trusted sender such as a colleague in the department or the CEO. Another way is to find a vulnerability in the network software or hardware and thus break into the system. The most common method used to carry out a cyber attack is malware usually placed in the form of a suspicious link in an email or application.
One popular form of malware is ransomware which encrypts data and demands a ransom so that the victim can regain access to it. Others include spyware which collects information from the target system and Trojans which perform Country Email List illegal activities on compromised files. Formjacking can be used to obtain banking information while a distributed denial of service DDoS attack crashes the target website by flooding it with requests. Consequences of cyber attacks The consequences of a cyber attack may be significant.
Many organizations close their operations due to information loss dataoss. Victims of a ransomware attack who do not have adequate backups of their data may end up paying large sums of money to have their information safely returned. Even after paying there is no guarantee that hackers will keep their promise to regain access and they may re target a compromised user if they know they will pay. If banking information has been compromised money may be stolen from the relevant accounts.