How to calculate normal salary? Overtime allowance How to calculate overtime allowance? Who cannot work overtime? The Labor Code is a legal act that, among other things, regulates the issue of working time distribution, including overtime work. It often happens that employees perform their duties beyond the daily norm, expecting additional remuneration. Let's check the legal provisions regarding the settlement.
Extra working time and who can receive overtime allowance. In the article below you will learn, among other things: According to KP, what are overtime at work? Who is entitled to overtime allowance and on what terms? How much phone number list is the employee's overtime remuneration? Overtime in the Labor Code According to the Labor Code , work in the basic working time system is 8 hours a day.

Hours in a five-day working week. However, extended daily working time is usually 12 hours. Any deviations from this norm are called overtime. Article 151 § 1 of the Labor Code explains this concept as work performed beyond the applicable working time standards and the performance of assigned duties in overtime, resulting from the system applicable to the employee and the working time schedule in a given workplace.