Scientific work inspires hope In the study, scientists described the complexities that hinder the protection of wetlands. For example, sometimes experts cannot determine whether an area falls into this category. This is due to the fact that the amount of humidity in some regions in a particular season is difficult to measure. The researchers also note that the disappearance of territories occurs unevenly. Some parts of the world have lost wetlands more than the world average.
The USA, India, China, Japan, European states and regions of Southeast Asia have lost moible number data about 50% of such territories. This difference gives some hope, as it suggests that there are still many wet lands in the world that have not been destroyed - for example, and Canada. Gradual restoration of wetlands Countries and international organizations are beginning to realize the importance of such territories. Some are taking legislative action that obliges developers to recreate the habitats they have destroyed.

In the US, more than $10 billion has been spent on a 35-year restoration plan for the Everglades , Florida's unique network of subtropical wetlands. In many countries, work is underway to create such territories. For example, in the UK, conservationists are restoring beaver populations. These animals build dams that promote new wetlands and wildlife, and reduce flood damage by 60%. Even in a small city apartment, you can grow plants - and not only microgreens. We tell you how to organize a mini-garden at home and what smart gadgets will help with this.